Student Support Services...
Program/Services: Behavioral/Mental Health Counseling
Description of Services: We provide individual therapy and family therapy based on the unique needs of the client. These services are available via in-person sessions or teletherapy. Crisis intervention is also available for clients on an 'as needed' basis. This service may involve interactions with his/her support network to assure safety and stability.
What is the referral process? Any school staff can initiate a referral if they identify a need. All school counselors will be provided referral forms for Friendship Community Care and have instructions on how to complete and submit them. Once the referral is completed and received, families can expect prompt contact from the assigned FCC therapist in an effort to schedule the initial intake.
On-site Students: We have offices on the middle school and elementary campuses making access to therapeutic support convenient. Client's and their families, at this time, will be expected to participate in temperature checks and wear face coverings. FCC therapists are provided with sanitizing supplies and utilize them after each session.
Blended Learning (short term illness or quarantine): We, at this time, have been given the ability to utilize teletherapy services for those clients who either choose or are unable to participate in in-person sessions.
Dragon Virtual Academy Students: We, at this time, have been given the ability to utilize teletherapy services for those clients who either choose or are unable to participate in in-person sessions.
Program/Services: English Language Learners
Description of services: This program provides many resources and services to assist schools in their efforts to support students with English language development needs both in and out of school. The duty of the coordinator is to ensure these students are able to receive an equal educational program with a minimum amount of effort due to a language barrier.
Referral Process: ELL, Language identification forms, Home Language Usage Survey Verification Form, are included in the new and beginning of year student packs that are sent home for parents to fill out. Once the packet is turned into the office, the form is sent to the school ELL coordinator to assess if the student qualifies or is in need of an ELPA 21 assessment to determine eligibility of services. Identified students will then be documented and a permanent file is created until the student is considered proficient in the English Language.
On-site Students: Students on site that qualify for ELL services receive the support from classroom modifications, language pull outs, or speech services according to the severity of the Language need. There is a fund to purchase any manipulative or program a committee agrees is detrimental to the students language and educational success.
Blended Learning (Short term illness or quarantine): In this position, as an ELL student, all accommodations and modifications can be implemented with the programs selected by the school for continuing education. The teacher will contact the parent and ensure the parent understands how to implement them. The teacher and the coordinator will be available for calls or emails to answer any concerns.
Dragon Virtual Academy Students: ELL students will be given a Contingency plan for any programs, accommodations or modifications they will need to continue services at home. The school virtual program offers a language support option if the parents believe they will need the assistance. Teachers and the coordinator will be available for calls or emails to answer any questions or concerns.
Program/Services: Dyslexia
Description of Services: Dyslexia is a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence. The therapist will work with teachers, parents and students in identification of students needing dyslexia services, assessment for intervention and prescribing/implementing appropriate interventions for students identified as dyslexic.
Referral Process: Usually a teacher or parent will notice a reading, writing, or number skill that is not of the normal achievement ability for the child's age or class level. The Dyslexia therapist will be notified of any concerns and she will assess if the student needs the Dyslexia identification evaluation. The school therapist can only define any qualities that are considered indicators of Dyslexia. If identified with indicators she will begin interventions to correct any skills identified. The Mountainburg School district uses the Connections program for interventions.
Kim Teague
On-site Students: The Dyslexia Therapist will create a list of all the students that have been identified with any of the screener weaknesses. The therapist will then make a schedule of allotted time in the school day to implement interventions using the Connections program for each student.
Blended Learning (short term illness or quarantine): The therapist will then contact the parent and discuss if she will continue services when the student returns or through a virtual online platform of the Connections program.
Dragon Virtual Academy Students: The therapist will contact the parent to get approval for the student to continue services through a virtual online platform of the Connections program.
Program/Services: Speech
Description of Services: Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.
Referral Process: Referrals can be made by a parent, teacher, administrator, or therapist. The Therapist will first get the notification, assess the student or child for any language discrepancies that may foster the need for a comprehensive speech evaluation. If needed, a committee meeting will be set for consent, the evaluation will be scheduled, then another meeting will be needed after the evaluation to assess any services that might be needed for students' success.
Sharla Stiles
On-site Students: Students that are on-site and in the school building will be given services in the speech language room for a set amount of intervention time.
Blended Learning (short term illness quarantine): These students will be given options for services. They can be given a set of written practice work to do at home, they can be served in a manner of a Zoom session, or offered a teletherapy class that the therapist will share screens and activities on the computer at home with parent support.
Dragon Virtual Academy Student: These students will be given options for services. They can be given a set of written practice work to do at home, they can be served in a manner of a Zoom session, or offered a teletherapy class that the therapist will share screens and activities on the computer at home with parent support.
Program/Services: Physical and Occupational Therapy
Physical therapy focuses specifically on improving a patient’s ability to perform body movements and function, this can be due to birth defects or accidents. Occupational therapy focuses on improving a client’s ability to perform everyday activities. Usually working with arm movements, hand grips,and leg and feet usage.
Referral Process: Referrals can be made by a parent, teacher, administrator, or therapist. The Therapist will first get the notification, assess the student or child for any language discrepancies that may foster the need for a comprehensive speech evaluation. If needed, a committee meeting will be set for consent, the evaluation will be scheduled, then another meeting will be needed after the evaluation to assess any services that might be needed for students' success.
Jill Warren-Occupational Therapist
Francee Hunter-Doolittle
On-site Students: Students that qualify for services from Occupational and Physical Therapist through Arkansas Pediatrics, will be given a schedule made by the service providers in connection with schools, to treat needed physical problems in a designated area created for services.
Blended Learning (short term illness, quarantine) These students will be given options for services. They can be served in a manner of a Zoom session, or offered a teletherapy class that the therapist will share screens and activities on the computer at home both with parent support.
Dragon Virtual Academy Students: These students will be given options for services. They can be given a set of written practice work to do at home, they can be served in a manner of a Zoom session, or offered a teletherapy class that the therapist will share screens and activities on the computer at home with parent support. They may also work with parents on using optional sites for services.
Program/Services Special Education Services
Special Education is the process and procedures to find students with special educational needs and disabilities. This process includes meeting needs through accommodations and modifications and all Legal Program Standards.
Referral Process: The referral process begins with an identified need from a teacher, parent or administrator. The Special Education Director is the first to contact so he or she may begin the referral process. This committee meeting will then review all data to discuss if there is a further need to initiate a Psychoeducational Evaluation.
Angie Dennis
Angie Dennis
This page contains information pertaining to the Mountainburg Schools Special Education Department. If you have any questions, please call Angie Dennis, Special Education Supervisor, at 479-369-4442 or email her at
Child Find Flyers are available at:
Mountainburg Clinic
Mountainburg Post Office
Mountainburg Public Library
Mountainburg City Hall
Dragon Brew Coffee
Citizens Bank - Mountainburg
The district takes the confidentiality of all students very seriously. Click below to read Section 16 of the policies and procedures from the Arkansas Department of Education regarding the confidentiality of students who receive services through special education departments in public schools.