We support our Dragons with health and safety.
In compliance with state immunization regulations, we have compiled a list of required immunizations in hopes of giving you the needed time to obtain them & to avoid the rush that will surely occur in the weeks prior to school starting in the fall
Kindergarten students will require the following immunizations to start school.
DTP (DTAP/DT/TD) 4 doses
Polio 4 doses
MMR 2 doses
Hepatitis A 2 doses
Hepatitis B 3 doses
Varicella 2 doses or documentation from physician of disease (we cannot accept parents word as verification)
Students turning 11 years of age
Tdap Must have 1 dose at age 11. Children who will be 11 years of age or older on or before Sept. 1 of each school year will be required to receive a Tdap shot in order to attend public or private school in Arkansas.
Students turning 16 years of age
Meningococcal Must have 2nd dose at age 16.
Students with exemptions
1. Exemption Exemption form must be completed, notarized and then sent to the address listed on the form. When the new exemption arrives, please send it to school so a copy can be made for your child’s records.
Please bring or send the student’s updated record or exemptions to school so we may make a copy for our records after they have been obtained. The Health Department gives immunizations daily by appointment only. If you have not provided updated records 30 days after the start of the new term (September 12, 2019), your child will be excluded from school. Kindergarten students are also required to have a wellness check. If you have not provided records 90 days after the start of the term (November 11, 2019), your child will be excluded from school. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Nurse Amy at 369-2762 or Nurse Amber at 369-4506.
Bed Bugs
School Nurse or official must identify.
Parents/Guardians will be notified via phone & letter of procedures that must be followed until bed bugs have been eradicated from the home.
Students will not be allowed to bring backpacks to school.
Any jackets/coats worn to school must be placed in a plastic tote with secure lid upon arrival to school. Totes will be kept in students classroom or a central location if one is decided upon at a later time. Jackets/coats will be allowed to be worn during outdoor recess.
A plastic bag will be provided daily for students if they need to take paper/homework home.
Head Lice
School Nurse or official must identify.
Parents/Guardians will be notified via phone & letter of procedures that must be followed until head lice have been eradicated
Students must be checked by school nurse upon return to school
All prescription medications must be kept in a double lock cabinet in the nurse’s office, with the exception of epi-pens. Parents must complete medication form specifying who is designated to administer medications to their child (nurse, principal, secretary, counselor, teacher, etc.)
Epi-pens should be kept in an unlocked cabinet in the nurse’s office. School employees should be made aware of this location as all are trained to administer in case of emergency.
Students must have a signed health history form on file to receive OTC (over the counter) medications. Only the medications documented on the health history form will be given.
Students should not carry medication of any kind on their person without the express knowledge of the school nurse. A permission to carry form must also be completed by the parent voicing understanding. Teachers are to be informed of any medication the student may have on their person at all times.
Medications on Field Trips
If a student receives prescription medication throughout the day/has an epi-pen or PRN (as needed) inhaler, these medications will be sent with the teacher in the emergency kit. Teachers should be informed on how and when to administer medications as well as possible side effects that could occur.
BMI (Body Mass Index)
BMI results are obtained annually during the second month of school for grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2 & 4, 6, 8, 10
These results will be entered into e-school.
**Parents may opt out of this test. Notifications should be sent home prior to exams giving parents/guardians this option.
Vision & Hearing Testing
Vision & hearing exams are performed annually during the second month of school for grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2 4, 6, 8 & 10 Results are entered into e-school.
If vision or hearing exam receives a fail, student must be referred to the school nurse and the exam must be repeated in 4-6 weeks.
If vision or hearing re-screen results in a fail, student receives a referral for professional testing.
**Parents may opt out of these tests. Notifications should be sent home prior to exams giving parents/guardians this option.

Jaden Jackland
Lacey Rogers