Brain Academy

Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy is a conversion charter designed to center teaching on how the brain is designed to learn. Students AND teachers are on a mission to engage in high levels of learning across the school. We focus on strong academics, promote physical health and wellness, and personal performance and growth for adolescents to understand what it means to be a Dragon Strong citizen of our school and the Mountainburg community.

We are especially proud of our English curriculum, Wit and Wisdom; a curriculum that requires rigorous analysis of literature, and demands that students practice writing and speaking about what they are reading on a daily basis.

Our Project Lead the Way science curriculum sets students up for success as they navigate group projects that asks them to solve problems they would encounter in their everyday lives and future careers.

Our Dragon Fitness Training programs extend a traditional PE course to allow students to get up and move three times throughout the day. Students still receive lunch and recess in addition to DFTs. We are building Dragon strength in our middle school students, and helping students understand that when we practice something, we get better and better. Whether it's pushups or reading, a mile run, or math...we are STRONG today, and STRONGER tomorrow!

Middle School Brain Academy serves middle school students grades 5-8.

Sarah Walker, Assistant Principal Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy

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For more information about MMSBA best practices Click HERE