7 months ago, Misty Christian
Mountainburg elementary school and Mountainburg Middle School Brain academy is gearing up for our Fall Festival. The classes have containers in the office if you would like to make a donation.
7 months ago, Becky Dean
fall fest
ATTENTION SENIORS: The University of Arkansas is hosting free application days this weekend! This is only for Arkansas students. The free application days are October 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th this year. To take advantage of this special opportunity, students should go to http://apply.uark.edu to begin an application, clicking the Free Application Days box at the end of the application in place of paying the fee.  As a reminder, any students who are eligible for free/reduced lunches or an ACT waiver can request for their counselor to send a fee waiver document at any time to avoid the fee. 
7 months ago, Misty Christian
important info
On Wednesday, Mountainburg Middle School was invited to attend Leadership Safari, along with other schools in Crawford County. These 8th graders represented MMS well and are bringing back a wealth of knowledge to share amongst their peers. Always a good day to be a Dragon!
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Have an awesome Friday everyone!
7 months ago, Becky Dean
Jr High Dragons defeat Hector in a nail-biter 29-22! Go Dragons!!!
7 months ago, Sarah Walker
At the half Junior High Dragons trail by 1.
7 months ago, Sarah Walker
JV 8-0 at the half.
7 months ago, Sarah Walker
JV 8-0 at the half.
7 months ago, Sarah Walker
James Candelaria with Kevin Clifton Real Estate, congratulates Levi Pense, as the Homecoming '23 game Pro Player of the Week! Way to go Levi, keep up the hard work! And... GO BIG BLUE!
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Check out this MES Homecoming Week recap video produced by MHS Senior Tanika Sixkiller! Photo credits go to Tanika and Mrs. Voeller. https://youtu.be/LZNiVvZmVj8
7 months ago, Misty Christian
It's okay to Not be okay!
7 months ago, Becky Dean
Students in Mrs. Christian's College and Career Readiness classes heard from Jessica Spicer with ATU-Ozark today. Mrs. Spicer offered guidance on choosing a college, financial aid, and career. Thank you for visiting MHS Mrs. Spicer!
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Here are pictures of the float winners and the Paint It Blue winner for Homecoming Week 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners! PC: Kaley Jo Beck with Heritage Portraits
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Who is brave enough to enter the Haunted Hall at the Fall Festival?
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Haunted Hall
Below is the schedule for Mountainburg Wrestling. These athletes and Coach Kearney are establishing a new tradition for Mountainburg Schools. Unless someone knows differently, it is believed this is the first Dragon Wrestling Team.
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Dragon Wrestling
BASKETBALL SCHEDULE| Below is the 23-24 Dragon Basketball Schedule. We are super excited to be starting a new tradition of hosting the Bob Denniston Classic in December. Link to the schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgY2ddhVaehEKvKTuNM3F19f15cKRtYxW_Uu_pzanHI/edit?usp=sharing
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Our Cheer teams are selling Pink Out shirts for breast cancer awareness month. All proceeds from the shirts will be donated to The Cancer House. Pink Out with MJH- Oct. 19th Pink Out with MHS- Oct. 27th You can contact Mary Hecox - mary.hecox@mountainburg.org or place your order online: https://rockhousedesigns.com/collections/mountainburg-school
7 months ago, Misty Christian
Pink Shirts
Have a wonderful Wednesday Dragon Family. 😊
7 months ago, Becky Dean
Mr Johnson had bus drills with Kindergarten and PreK students today. The students learned the rules of riding the buses and safety information .
7 months ago, Becky Dean